Caíthlyn's Blog

Blogging about our Little Miss. Family 2 pregnancy

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Pictures Again! Finally!

Thank (the) God(dess) I was still able to get the photo's from the camera to the laptop. So, instead of writing a post today, I am going to cheat and just leave some pics. (Too Busy in work!)

Being a Dolly Mamma is hard work! It's amazing how she copies what we do with her!

Little Mamma

Little Mamma 3

Checking out the duckies at Dublin Zoo.


There were Rhino's too!


I LOVE her surprised face!

Daddy and Caithlyn Surprised

Caíthlyn artistic interpretations:


I really wished she would lose the dodi, how pretty would this have been without the dod:

Sun Hat Dodi

Have to go work for my money now!

Great day to all!!