Poor little Miss
Last Friday, For the second time in 20 months, Darren and I went out on an honest-to-goodness DATE. Little Miss spent the night at Nannie's house and Mammie and Daddy got some Boy-Friend and Girl-Friend time. It was lovely. A meal at a Chinese restaurant and a few drinks in the pub have never been appreciated as much as they were last Friday night. I mean, there were COCKTAILS people! We have decided that it was disgraceful that this was our first "all-nighter" date this year and will do our very best to get another one in there before the end of 2005!
As much as we enjoyed our evening, night and morning, I couldn't wait to go get our Honey. The enthusiasm wasn't reciprocated though. If you hadn't noticed before: Little Miss ADORES her Nannie. A-DOR-ES her! She worships at the Nannie Shrine. Nannie is the best thing since Liga Milk Breaks.
Sure, our entrance was noted but there was no sign whatsoever of having missed us. More of "Oh, there you are" and she just went about her business again.
Of course, we should be proud that we have given our daughter the confidence in life to be able to spend the night away from Mam and Dad but at the end of the day I don't think we can really take the credit for it. Nannie is just THAT fantastic. I guess I could be hurt, but to be honest, I wasn't.
If I was 20 months old, and she was MY nannie, I'm pretty sure I would feel the same way. So this is the best of both worlds: Caíthlyn gets to spend the night at Nannie's house and Mammie and Daddy get a night out! Guilt Free!!
For the rest, Little Miss has not been feeling the Mae West (best). She is very tired during the day the last few days and has taken to napping again. Which results in her not going to sleep in the evening. Our total **&$%#^&&%%$ of a neighbor decided to have a party on Saturday night. Not just any party mind you. But a "I-WONDER-HOW-MANY-DECIBELS-MY-GLASSWARE-CAN TAKE" party. She had her sliding doors open and was having a BBQ in the garden. (Right under Little Miss' window. The f-ing Wagon didn't even have the courtesy to drop a note in the letter box saying she was having a party.
When I finally had her asleep in our bed, at the front of the house, the ditzy cow's mates were leaving through the front door. **sigh** I hope she get's lot's of itch and very short arms......
There are at least 5 Family's with kids on our row of houses (us included) and I can only imagine what their nights were like.
Of course Little Miss was knackered on Sunday and fell asleep in the car on the way home from the shopping centre. She was SO tired that we had no choice but to put her down in her cot. Her grandfather and his significant other came by for a visit. At around 15.15 hours I went to get Little Miss from her room because we were going for Sunday Dinner at Nannie's.
When I stepped in to her room she was wide-eyed and looking around as if she had just gotten a fright. She get's that sometimes so it didn't worry me too much. When I got her downstairs however, she just started bawling her eyes out. This intensely sad sob that just broke my heart. Her Grandfather and his significant other (don't know if I can name names) left and Caíthlyn clung to Darren like she was holding on for dear life.
She was trying to push something out, or at least that was the impression we got. Flashbacks to the time she was baby and she had problems with her bowels. The tears and the screams. That feeling of helplessness. It was so hard not to be able to do anything for her, she just wanted her Daddy. Darren is fantastic in situations like that. He will try everything until he finds something that works. He will run the tap and let her look at the water. Look out the window at the trains coming by, go upstairs and play on the bed. By the time they came back down the stairs she was chanting "Nannniiieeee, where ARE YOUOUOUOU??" and she ran in to me, grabbed me by the hand and led me to the front door. "Time to go to Nannie's house"
She had a very bad night again last night. I hope that whatever it is, goes away soon. I want my Sweetheart to be Happy and Healthy again soon!
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