Caíthlyn's Blog

Blogging about our Little Miss. Family 2 pregnancy

Monday, August 22, 2005

She's Baaaahhaacckk!!

Yes, I know, unbelievable, she's back!

Let me explain myself. For the past 2.5 weeks I have been enjoying domestic Goddess bliss. I was off work and had a lovely holiday spending oodles of quality time with Little Miss.
The only "snag" was that our lap-top has taken ill again, as has the camera. Therefore, Nynke Home = No Blog Updates! :-(

My missions for today are as follows:

*Get up to date in work ( I know, I am sickeningly responsible! At the mo I am just waiting for a system to be updated, hence the quickie update)
* Write a proper blog entry on my holiday and the Adventures of Little Miss
* Trick the person in Germany who sold me our camera into giving me a lock of his hair so I can make a voodoo doll and curse his ass properly! (Only kidding......just.....)

So, hang in there boys and girls. I will be back wih a proper little something something soon!

