Angel And GVR
As mentioned in my previous post, we have two friends over to stay with us for a few days. Angel ( as she is know here, the folks at home know her as Lieke) and her boyfriend, known in Blogland as either GVR ( Big Friendly Giant in Dutch) or Imriyr. You can read about them on their blogs. Angel's blog can be viewed in atrocious English. This is not due to any incompetence regarding the English language on her part, she speaks it very well, it's just translated by a site that translates it literally. If nothing else, it makes for a good giggle!
When you read Angel's blog you will find out that sometimes it get's really busy in her head. She hears voices and she practices auto mutilation. There are some pretty fierce scars on her arms where she had a go at herself with a knife. He blog explains it much better than I ever could.
Naturally, I was a bit weary at first of how Angel's "condition" would affect their stay. I mean, I lived with the girl for over a year and love her to bits, but I haven't been face to face with her since her diagnoses in March 2004. But I have to say, I am really enjoying their visit.
I won't lie, and say that it was all smooth sailing for Angel but she has been SO brave and SO strong!
Before they came over, I asked her what I should look out for in regards to Caíthlyn. Don't get me wrong, Angel would never, ever harm my child, or any child for that matter. (The girl won't even squish a spider for Pete's Sake, even though I have "requested" she do so at the top of my lungs on numerous occasions! Arachnaphobic? Moi? She was my hero when we lived together!) It would have been extremely irresponsible of me however if I had not taken any precautions and had not asked any questions. It's not just her in there anymore after all. She and GVR had already discussed this however and she assured me that GVR knows exactly what to look out for.
They arrived in the evening, and Caíthlyn was already asleep. We got to chat and catch up.
The next morning Little Miss was just a tad confused about the unfamiliar presence in the house so early in the morning. Angel handled it beautifully and just let Little Miss come to HER. She didn't get in her face like some people would and by the time we "went walkies" they were great mates! We stopped for lunch in a hotel in Lovely Town Harbour. Little Miss was SO good! Sure, she had to be entertained but she let us have our lunch in peace.
Angel and GVR staid for another pint and I took Little Miss to the playground around the corner. It was wet however so after Angel and GVR caught up with us again, we headed off to the shops and then home. Little Miss was SO comfortable with them at this stage that she took both their hands and just toddled on in between them! So cute! (Picture to follow, I have to get it off Angel)
Caíthlyn is just a wee bit smitten with GVR! It's adorable to see! She keeps giving him these beaming smiles and bringing books over to him. On Friday night she was not going to sleep for us and she came back down with us. She parked herself right in between Angel and GVR on the sofa with this content look on her face! GVR read her a book and played the Jungle Book songs for her on his laptop and all was well with the world!

Angel and GVR took the bus to Galway on Saturday and will be returning to us today. They will fly back to the Netherlands tomorrow.
One of Caíthlyn's cousins. E. , had her 3rd birthday party yesterday. It was a BBQ party with a bouncy castle. It was SO WARM! This didn't stop Little Miss from having a fabulous time however! Here are some pics for your viewing pleasure!

When we came home, she was up in Darren's arms. I leaned in to give her a kiss and she wrapped her arm around my neck. Darren and I kissed her simultaneously and she thought that was so much fun that she kept pulling our heads towards her for more tag team kisses! The Little Honey!
She woke up early this morning, just as I was heading downstairs. I went in to her to bring her in to Darren. It was SO nice to be able to get a dose of the best hugsies in the world before heading off to work! That sleepy little face looking up at you when she's sitting on her knees in her sleeping bag. Her hair all over the place. Priceless! You should be able to bottle the stuff! ;-)
Have fantastic week everyone!
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