She's Baaahaack!
The break in Holland was very nice. I am SO proud of my friend for getting her diploma and she got fantastic marks too!
I flew over on a Wednesday and came back the next Saturday. I missed my honey('s) the entire time. It was truly like an arm had been removed...... Eventhough it was great to be a "free agent" if you will, the feeling of Caíthlyn's little face to mine was enough to give me a lump in my throat.
I focussed on her so much that I didn't get to Darren untill later!
I know I've said it before but he really is worth his weight in gold. It's cheesy (and also totally ripped off from Westlife) but I Love the way he Loves me... He's the best! I don't know what I did to deserve him!
Enough of the gushing....
Caíthlyn and I went for a walk at the sea-side on Friday. Little Miss has energy to burn so I let her walk next to the buggy for a bit so she can stretch her legs.
At one point, a big dog comes galopping around the corner and Caíthlyn exclaims "Wooouuwww!! Doooooog!! Woof Woof!!" "Yes Honey! Good Girl! That's a dog!"
A few metres behind that dog is a few girl taking two little terrier lap dogs for a mosey.
Caithlyn: "Meeeoouuww"
I nearly wet myself......
Okay, on serious time retraint here (lunch-break ends in 11 minutes) so here's the pics that Auntie S.'s neighbour took. I vow to make a proper effort at more regular updates!

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