Wonderfull things about Little Miss
Little Miss got new shoes at Easter. Her little footsies had grown a whole size in 6 weeks!
Anyhoe, she got really pretty 'uns with Velcro. Dark Blue with a little flower on them. One excellent added feature is that when she walks, these love-heart shaped lights start flickering in the heels.

Last week she was really out of sorts (The Chest-infection from Hell!) and she would not go to sleep. Not a hope of her going for a nice snooze. So, in the end, I asked Darren to dim the lights in the sitting room and I took Little Miss down to see if I couldn't get her to fall asleep in my arms on the sofa for just this once.
That would be a big fat NO! She wriggled off my lap and started wandering about the darkened sitting room.
Seeing as this is not a regular occurrence by any means, we just let her do her thing. At one stage Darren exclaims:"Well would you look at that!"
There she was: sitting at the kitchen door with her shoes in her hands, banging the heels on the floor to make the red lights start to flicker! She obviously thought it looked so pretty in the dark!
She is getting SO big. I know it's a major cliché, but these 15.5 months have FLOWN by. I couldn't imagine life without her anymore.
I love everything about her. From the way she will take forever to wake up in the morning but will reward you with a dazzling smile when she cops you are standing next to her cot to the way she will grab your hand and guide it to whatever task she requires to be completed.
The way she will sip the medicine from her spoon ever so delicately and goes "Aahhh" after.
The way she will try and wash your face with the wash-cloth when she's in the bath and includes Ducky for good measure.
The way she will grab "Zippy" and give her a big huge squeeze.
The way she will hold up her arms at you and wait to be picked up.
The way she will wrap her little arms around your neck and push her cheek to yours and play with your hair.
The way she will brush your hair and then lean in to you and start talking to you as if to check if it's to your liking.
The way she will lean in to you when she's tired and start twirling her hair.
The way she smells in the morning
The way she smells ALL the time!
The way her eyes light up and she smiles when she sees you walk in the door.
The way she talks to herself when she is lying awake in her cot in the morning.
The way she belly laughs when you make a "YUCK!" face when you pretend to smell her socks
The way she giggles when we make a tent our duvet and the three of us "hide" under it.
The way she will rip up the duvet when I bring her in to us and her Daddy is hiding under the covers.
The way she says "Bye!"and then walks out the door only to re-appear and do the same thing over and over and over again!

I could go on forever and ever.
Little Miss Rules!
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