Dental Hygiene
Little Miss is growing an impressive set of snacks (teeth). Some molars are protruding and the two teeth at the top front have now made an appearance as well..
Do you know what this little feat of oral development facilitates?? Do you? Huh? Huh? No? Let me enlighten you! TEETH-GRINDING! Yup, I kid you not. For some obscure reason she loves the sound of it. And of course: We don't!
Not only is the sound such to rival nails on a blackboard, it's also extremely bad for her pearly whites! Baby teeth have a lot less enamel on them than their adult counterparts. Therefore Grinding = Not Good!
Watching a program on Living TV, I was treated to a picture of a toddler's rotten baby teeth. I was shocked and horrified. The poor child!
The lady proceeded to elaborate on dental hygiene for babies and BOY, I PAID ATTENTION! A bottle of milk last thing before bed? BAD! BAD! BAD!
I knew this already but wasn't aware of the extent of the damage that could be done in such a short period of time by milk pooling in their little cheeks and being left there to do its worst during the night!
So, that was cut out of the routine that very night. Miss Thing now get's a bottle before her bath. Daddy brushes her teeth during bath-time and then she gets a few supsies of warm water before bed just for transition. Then in the morning after breakfast, I go brush my teeth demonstratively and then I do hers. Being the little copy-cat she is gave the Dad this great idea for implementing the tooth brushing. Whatever we do, she does! And so, what I feared was going to be a big ordeal, is actually going smoothly! :-) No flies on the Da!
On the Health Front: Not Good. Little Miss has a chest infection and a severe case of the sniffles. Combine this with teething and a fever and you can imagine how she is feeling! I had to go to the Doc's myself and decided to take Little Miss along to get checked out.
Our doctor's surgery consists of a husband and wife team. And the wife is a Muppet. I can't put it any nicer. She is forgetful, rude and totally useless with Children. I had no choice but to go see her for this and I can only thank (the) God(dess) that it will be another three years before I have to go back for that. Little Miss is never EVER going back to see that wench! It amazes me that this woman has children of her own! Caíthlyn got really upset when she saw the examination table. Do you think this woman showed any patience whatsoever? Try and distract the child? No, all we got were dirty looks and exaggerated sighs.....
When I asked if she was done with her and could I bring her out to her Nanny I got a "Yes Please!" Had to really hold myself back from lashing out at the B*tch.
Anyhoe, Little Miss got anti-biotics and is on the road to recovery.
Now if we could only arrange a personality transplant for the Doctor.....

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