Bears and Princesses
(Written on 29/04/05)
As I do not seem to have the time to update the Blog during the days, I will make an attempt to update it in the evenings.
Here goes:
Yesterday, Bear in the Big Blue House was on. Don’t know if any of you are familiar with this particular piece of children’s entertainment but it’s really funny. I have to admit to having watched it, BEFORE I became a Mamma! Something about a Big Bear dancing the Samba tickled the hell out of my funny bone!
Anyhoe, at the beginning of the program Bear will turn to the camera and say something like: “Do you smell Cinnamon buns?” and then he’ll sniff towards the camera and say:” It’s YOU!” some more sniffs right up to the camera and: “You smell GREAT!”
Caithlyn was watching the telly full of interest but when Bear moved right up the camera it was a little to close for comfort for Little Miss! As if she thought that he was going to step right through the screen into the sitting room! She backed away from the television a little bit more with every sniff, ending up in my arms! Bear staid inside the telly and little Miss carefully left the safety of the Mamma’s arms again. There’s nothing quite like having your child look to you to feel safe. To be able to offer that kind of comfort to your daughter…..
Her old shoes are still in the sitting room. This afternoon she had managed to get one of them on Barney’s feet and she was taking him for a walk around. She was holding him by the hand and looking down at him as if to say: There’s a good Boy, a few more steps now, there you go!”
Little Miss and I had a great day today. The sun was splitting the rocks and this day was not going to be wasted indoors. After a frantic search for my runners (still haven’t found them by the way, can’t wait to find out where she hid them on me this time) I decided on my boots and then had to leg it to the bus as we would not have made it on time if we had walked in to the village.
Quick stop in the post office, Little Miss of course charming the pants off of everyone with her smiles and “Hi!” to everyone. Then, off to the playground we went.
The route goes past the harbor and we had a wave and a “ooh” and “aaah” at the sea-gulls and the boats. Then we went on past the pubs and hotel to the playground. Unfortunately we had a little bit of rainfall and the place was soaked. A big huge puddle spoiled the fun on the swings though as she is so tall now that her footsies get wet when she swings. She was not impressed. After a bit of a struggle she was quite happy to be back in her buggy and waving to everyone we passed!
(Updated 03/05/05)
On May 2nd we had a trip to the petting zoo planned but that idea got rained out! We ended up in Auntie S.’s house having a Princess Dress Up Party. Little Miss loved it! She as twirling and smiling with the best of ‘em!
Be prepared for some heartstoppingly beautiful pics!
Amazed Princess

Princess Nieces

Lady in the Hat

What can I get up to next?

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