Models Inc.
Let me tell you about Little Miss and footwear. Little Miss firmly believes that footwear should never be without a foot. And her mission is to ensure that the soul (sole...geddit?) mates are always in close proximity of each other. When you are not donning shoes and/or socks you can expect a little hand to come out of nowhere and try to wiggle a shoe or sock on your foot.
Last night for example, Darren and I were doing the dishes when my foot was lifted and Little Miss attempted to "shoe" me. My boots had been lounging in the hallway and this would just not do! If she can't get it to go as she wants it, she will do with whatever WILL do. As soon as there is some semblance of correctness she will utter a few approving words and toddle off again. (Correctness being the shoe and the foot touching...... I could be standing on it for all she cares)
She's a Gas Gas Gas child. (Gas = Funny)
I read a quote on Woulda Coulda Shoulda's Blog. Am paraphrasing the hell out of it but it's SO true:
"The decision to have a child, is deciding to forever carry your heart outside of your body"
Thought I'd share that one with ye.
Auntie S. lives a few doors up from a professional photographer who has a studio in his (stunning) house. Last Sunday we were invited to commit the beautiful images of the three girls to film. The ladies are respectively 6 yrs, almost 3yrs and 17 months old.
M. was just brilliant, smiling on cue, keeping the poses the photographer put her in and frankly the child is a little Super Model in the bud.
The two other little ladies were a completely different story however! I have to give the photographer kudos for his patience. Bless him, trying to get not just one but TWO little ladies to sit and smile is more than anyone should have to deal with!
At one stage we had the nice idea of having Nanny in the picture with "her" three girls. And it would have made an absolute excellent picture! The little ones are SO Nanny-Mad however that the photo-op was lost in their quest for Nannies lap. After a very eventful afternoon, which included running laps around the house chasing after Little Miss and praying nothing expensive would be knocked over in the process, we did get one or two good pictures.
I shall proudly display them here when we get them.
And finally, it's my birthday today boys and girls. Yup, 27 summers young!
Walking in to the living room this morning I found two lovely cards. There is nothing quite like the words: "Happy Birthday Mamma" in writing on a pretty, shiny card! Made me all warm and fuzzy inside! And the best boyfriend in the world also left another heartwarmingly eloquent card too.
Thank you my darlings!
You are my love, my light and my life!

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