Octopi and the Gods
My apologies for the lack of entries. I have no other excuses than that I was just too beat to drag myself in front of the laptop. Now, with Little Miss fast asleep upstairs (Note to the Gods: I am kidding of course, she is wide awake and causing mayhem in the place, no need to get tempted in to taking action!) and Darren off fishing, I will do my very best to commit a few more lines to, ehm, screen…..
For the bazzilionth time in her young life she has battled with a cold. A constant stream of the yucky stuff came from her nose and her poor eyes were so watery that they kept overflowing. I felt so bad for her. When I think of the millions of kids in the world that are battling far worse things than a common cold however, I just feel blessed that that’s all it is.
I think Kleenex must have had a great profit the last two weeks because you would not believe the amount of tissues we went through in this house! She was getting chased around by me wielding a handkerchief practically all day!
Then one day she was sitting on the sofa behind me when I was sitting on the floor and I hear the crisp “whoosh” of a tissue being ripped out of the box and then my head was pulled back by the pony-tail. She stuck a tissue in my face and proceeded to wipe my nose. Then she spoke approvingly and nodded her head before tucking the tissue away again. It was SO funny! She was dead serious.
(I KNEW the Gods were listening, I am just after putting Little Miss back down after a heartbreaking crying session. She had a big style case of gas and was in some serious pain. Bless her cotton socks, she didn’t know WHAT was happening to her! When I picked her up, she wanted down and when I put her down, she wailed even harder…..)
I have also started taking part in Bath Time again. In the winter time my hands start to crack and bleed (I know, there’s a gross mental picture for you) but as soon as the nicer weather comes around it’s time for Mamma to hit the bathroom again!
We bought her a bath-toy consisting of a Mamma Octopus and 8 Baby Octopi. They have bright funky colors, different faces and numbers on them.
Boy, was this a successful purchase! She will start off by sticking them on the side of the bath and point to them as if she’s counting them. She will wash them with her face-cloth and squirt water from them over the side of the bath if we are not careful!
When the time for bed approaches we ask her to start saying “Night Night” to her bath toys. So she knows: “Say Night Night = Bed Time”
Last week, after a particularly enervating day, she was absolutely knackered by the time bath-time came around. Yawns (she has THE cutest yawn, I have thought so ever since the day she was born!) and eye rubbage galore. We usually let her play to herself for a bit after all the essentials of bath time have been dealt with.
But on this particular evening she decided enough was enough and started kissing her octopi goodnight before even having been prompted do so. After every kiss, she neatly put them back on their base on the side of the bath. She couldn’t have made it clearer that she was ready for bed if she had used the actual words. I just melted at the spot! She is getting SO BIG! The poor little Mite almost fell asleep on the changing mat. As soon as I put her down in her cot she turned over, gave a sigh of contentment and was gone.
I always thought that those scenes in movies where the Mom stands in her child’s bedroom doorway and just stares lovingly at him/her were just sappy bits added for effect. Now I find myself having to force myself to leave the room quickly and quietly so I don’t do the very same thing!
I will tell you all about the trip to the petting zoo and the tumble she took out the back door at some later time.
Have a good one everybody!
"Now, where was that bit of dust?"

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