You know how some kids have a favorite Dolly, Teddy or Blanket? Well, Caíthlyn never really had a favorite anything....... until now. Now, she has a Favorite Hat! It's a lovely straw hat in different shades of Lilac. When we bought it, one of the sides was a bit damaged but that's why (the) God(dess) created double sided tape. The hat is a wee bit lopsided now but I have decided that this gives it character! She loves this hat. SHE. LOVES. IT.
You don't want to know the trouble we usually have keeping any kind of headgear on her cranium. It's a miracle I haven't developed RSI from picking up the sun-hat and putting it back on her head! The straw hat however, is a completely different story! As soon as she spots it, it goes on. And she looks adorable in it!
So now I say: Bring On The Sunshine! My hat luvin' daughter and I are ready for it!

Last Sunday, two friends, Caíthlyn and I went to see another friend in County Kildare. T
his friend had a child and to our horror we found out that it had been two years since our last visit! Little Miss's car seat was transferred to "Walshie's" car (She does not travel in any car without it. If she is not strapped in to her car seat she ain't goin'! I don't care if it's a 3 Minute or 3 Hour trip...... You may say: "Well, Duh!" but you want to see the amount of people driving here with their kids jumping all over the backseat!) and off we went!
We left at 13.00 hrs, and I had the (rather optimistic) idea that she could sleep for an hour on the way there and be all fresh and fruity upon arrival. Little Miss had different plans however! My friends Skaldy and Walshie (names have been changed to protect the fabulous) were waaaaaaaay more interesting than napping!
Especially if there is a de-tour to a toyshop! I swear, she KNEW we were going in there to pick up something for our friend's son!
I couldn't resist and decided I was going to buy her a proper Baby Doll. She has a few small ones, but no normal sized one and I thought it was high time she got one. The ladies located the dolls section very quickly and starting pointing out different dolls. Caíthlyn's face lit up! She giggled with excitement! But, no matter how much I would have liked to bring all of the dolls home for her, a choice had to be made. And since it was going to be her doll, she got to make the decision.
Skaldy took one doll to the left, Walshie took the other to the right, and we put Little Miss in the middle. It was real obvious real quick that the blond dolly Walshie was holding was the absolute favorite! She clutched the box in her arms like she was never going to let go, and seeing that the box was about as big as she is, that was quite a feat!
At the till, Skaldy and Walshy informed us that they were giving Caíthlyn the doll, Olivia.
So a great big THANK YOU to these two ladies, you made my little girls' day!
The visit its' self was lovely. O's little Boy is such a cutie! The idea of another child on "his turf" was a bit strange for him at first but he adapted very quickly and shared his toys and even a little hug! O is from the Basque country and her hubby is Irish and the little man speaks both languages.
Which of course, shamefully reminded me of my own lack of efforts in teaching my child Dutch! O takes her son home for weeks at a time and she is very passionate about her language. Her parents (who are lovely!) do not speak a word of English and so her Little Man has really HAD to learn. I was well impressed!
Me, I'm not so much with the passionate about the Dutch. I mean, it's the language I grew up with and all but I pretty much function completely in English now.
When I speak Dutch to Caíthlyn I feel like I am "faking" it or something, it doesn't feel natural....
However, I myself spoke both German and English from when I was about three years old and have found it invaluable. Even the Frisian that my grandparents insisted I learn has been of benefit to me.... So, taking all of that in to consideration, I promise I shall make a proper effort at speaking Dutch to my daughter.
Some phrases are already common place in our house. When she stands on her chair on in her bath, both her father and I say "Op je Billen!" (On your Bum!) and when she's done something well we'll say: "Flinke Meid!" (Best Girl!) or "Goed zo!" (Good!!)
We will just have to expand the auld vocabulary! Some very good friends from The Netherlands are coming over to stay for a few days and so we should get a good start to the Dutch. It's easier when you hear it around you for a while.
Wish me luck! / Wens me succes!
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