Growing Up
Little Miss no longer sits in her highchair. One day she just made it clear that she was going to sit at the table like a big girl or she wasn't going to have dinner at all. So, now we have our bowl of cheerios at the bistro table in our kitchen.
I will be sitting across from her, watching her maneuver a spoonful of the "Cheery O's" in to her mouth and drinking from her "Cuppa Tea" (which is actually a beaker of Milk which she insists on calling her "Cuppa Tea") She gets a normal cup at breakfast, which she attempts to drink like she sees her Mammie and Daddy drink theirs. She's trying to look ever so nonchalant. This nonchalance has been responsible for a spillage or two but she has to learn somewhere. And this is why (the) God(dess) invented kitchen towels!
When we are sitting there like that I just swell up with pride at my gorgeous little girl. (Beware of oncoming cliché) She is getting so big, so fast! She will be 2 years old in December and that thought just boggles my mind!
Personally, I found the first 7/8 months rather tough. People kept telling me to enjoy, because "they are only so little for a such a short time" And you know what? They were right! When I look at my gorgeous daughter it's so hard to believe that that is the same psychic baby that KNEW when your head hit your pillow, even when she couldn't see you from her bed. That used to sleep on Darren's chest, with himself propped up with a pillow at his back just so we all could get some kip.
I remember waking up and seeing them next to me, sleeping like that. I will never forget that image. Just bursting with love right there!
And getting to know her, and seeing her grow and develop is nothing short of amazing. I am seeing her personality develop and recognizing parts of myself in there. She has my temper (not so great, I have a temper that would make a grown man cry....... I try to work on it.....). She also LOVES to sing. When she is playing by herself, you can hear her singing the "A-B-C Song" (I never shut the hell up! Everything from "Tonic" to "Dora the Explorer" gets belted out!)
I am hoping she will also get some of Darren's Saint like patience and musical talent. Also, if she could be as level-headed as her Daddy that would be great. I already know she is as loving as he is.
I feel we might be entering a bit of a shy stage as well though. A very good friend of mine came to visit with a mate. (I hope they come back soon, I had a lively time with them. Love Debby to bits and think Carolien is dead-cool too) When Little Miss saw them, she turned all shy! I was well surprised! But, this is another phase that they apparently are all meant to go through. Then again, it also may have been a "once off"
My parents are due a visit one of these months (they won't have seen her for a year at that stage, they won't know what hit them when they see her. :-) ) I am very curious to see how she reacts to them.
Love always.
PS: Oh, please don't mind the spelling/grammar mistakes in yesterday's and today's posts. Am SO tired I can hardly see straight.
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