December Update (Part 2)
OK, ready for part two? Here goes:
Christmas. First I should tell you that when it comes to Christmas shopping, I am organized to the point of obsession. I mean, there were spreadsheets involved people! I had all the shopping done before December and was quite pleased with myself. I should know better by now though. As soon as I think: That went well, something will come up. In this case: Additional shopping. So, the days that were meant to be lazy days leading up to Christmas, turned out to be getting-up-mad-early-to-go-shopping-with-a-toddler-in-tow-in-Christmas-consumer-frenzy-hell days! Suffice it to say that Little Miss and I found this experience to be so traumatizing that I have now resolved to have all my Christmas 2006 shopping completed by July! (of course, I jest........... sort of)
On Christmas Eve I roasted a Leg of lamb and we had Darren's Uncle J. over for dinner and a few bevvies. There was wine for me and Guinness for the lads and board games. I think people don't play enough board-games anymore! Call me cheesy (Everybody now: "CHEESY!!!!) but there's something about playing board games that we could do with more of. (Eloquent little 'Ole me just can't come up with a name for it just now)
Then we said "Hi" to Santa who dropped the truck - eh, sleigh load full of pressies under the tree and I went to bed. (Darren, being a man, left the wrapping to the very last minute, had to make myself scarce so he could get started!..... MEN! You gotta love 'em! )
Christmas Morning. Little Miss was suitably impressed with the copious amounts of gifts under the tree:" WOOOUUWWW!! LOOK!!"
Darren wielded the video camera and I got Little Miss started on the unwrapping. I love to see her all enthusiastic and happy! That glowing face and that beaming smile. You can't beat it! There was a Dora Doll, a Baby Annabel, Fifi, Peppa Pig, you name the NickJr character; we had it under our tree!
My Darling, insane, boyfriend bought me a new mobile phone, an MP 3 player and from Caíthlyn there was a DVD of that comedic God: Billy Connelly. I was spoiled rotten! I felt like my daughter, had absolutely NO idea what to play with first!
We had to be at Nannie's house early-ish so we all got showered and dressed. Now, I can't be considered a Girly girl by ANY stretch of the imagination and cringe at the idea of dressing up my daughter in anything with bows and lacy collars. Especially when Little Miss was a Baby some people would ask me if I was aware that I had a GIRL and not a boy. Nannie paid for Little Miss' Christmas dress and shoes (tradition) so we thought we'd compromise and for this once, put her in this:

And I must confess, even I thought she looked pretty darned cute! She was a little GEM Christmas day. She was the only kid there and she just entertained herself with her toys and was her usual pleasant self. We are SO blessed that way! Dinner at Nannie's was awesome as always and the atmosphere was lovely. The fact that I could drive now, meant that Darren could finally have a drink. I felt really proud of myself finally being able to do my share in than regard.
That evening, Darren was tricking around with the MP3, me with my phone and sitting there, with the Christmas tree lit up and glass of wine, I just felt so happy and lucky! (sorry, should have given a sap-warning there.....)
St. Stephen's day (The second day of Christmas. aka Boxing day) was less of a success. At Nannie's house again and I think all the excitement was just waaaaay to much for her. The cousins were there and I think Little Miss' circuits just overloaded. The day was cut short and we had to drive a screaming, crying toddler home early. She stopped about 3 minutes before we arrived at the house and spent the remainder of the evening playing happily. It's easy to forget how much information and impressions a small child has to process at times like holidays and birthdays. The peace and quiet was just what she needed.
Her BIRTHDAY! "Yo Caíthlyn! It's yo birthday, we gowna Partay like it's your Birthday!" That's what I sang when I went in to her room to get her.
In bed with us she got lots of hugsies and kisses and "Happy Birthday's!!!" She got all excited and started singing that it was her party! We had decorated the sitting room and put together her present ( A doll's Pram, highchair and cotbed) the night before.
When I brought her downstairs she marveled at the streamers and danced around in circles singing "My party! My Party!" We had covered her pram with a blanket and boy was she excited when she ripped that off! The presents from my parents and friends were also very well received!
Taking the previous day in to consideration, we decided that Darren would go over to his mam's and help set up for the party (her house is just SO much better suited for it!) and I would get little Miss bathed and ready and just take it ham and cheesy.
Now, Darren and I do not let Caíthlyn have any Sweets, Cakes, Crisps (Chips) or any other drink then water, milk or actimel (1 a day). For the simple reason that it does not do anything for her. If there were any benefits to giving her these things, we would have no problem but 'till then, she is absolutely over the moon with a bowl of grapes or a piece of cheese and get's genuine enjoyment from a cup of milk. Darren's family have been very good at respecting our decision and even though they may sometimes want to, they never give her something we wouldn't want her to have.
But for her birthday, we were asked what we were going to do. Seeing as there were going to be sweets for the other kids and she would see them eat those.
So we decided, a limited exception just for ONE DAY. We got some jelly's that have no artificial colorants, added sugar or preservatives and made up a little bowl with a few pieces she could have. Nobody was to give her any more. And you know what? She just couldn't be bothered! Yaaaaayyy!!! I was SO happy to see this:

She just had a little bite (see the teeth marks?) and decided: "No thanks!" She ate the crisps (chips) and left the rest! She had a cream birthday cake:

But after blowing out her candle (She thought the fact that everyone was singing for her was nothing short of AMAZING.... she got all giddy! But I think she was happy when it was over though too, she was asked to sing a song herself but gracefully declined, well, she said No anyway!):

She had a little taste and decided it wasn't for her. (Unlike her mommie, who visibly never says "No" to any kind of tasty!

She got a few lovely presents at her party too but there were two that were especially big hits:
I thought she was going to have a heart attack when she opened this from Uncle E. and Auntie M-C:

And the Peppa Pig house was very welcome too!

And the princess dress? Pure ecstasy:

Her party was absolutely lovely, Little Miss adores her cousins, aunts, uncles and Nannie.

There's always hugs galore and I am so happy for her that she has that. It's my biggest wish for Little Miss. That she has a happy life in which she loves and is loved. She has such a great capacity for love and is already blessed to have people really love her. It makes me so happy to see her receive so much of it.
I will leave you all on that slightly mushy note and this pictures that I just think is SO cute:

All The best!
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