And the times, they are a changing
Little Miss will be two years old on December 27th. This thought just boggles my mind. I mean, it was only yesterday that I was looking at her through her transparent bassinet in the hospital, trying to let it sink in that she really was MY baby-girl!
The changes kids make in these first few years of life, are nothing short of amazing! I mean, she went from this:

To This:

(I promise to sit down and transfer some new pics from the camera soon!)
in the space of two years.
And that's just the physical side, the emotional, linguistic and intellectual developments will knock you for six if you think about then for too long. It also brings home to me how deceiving the mind can be.
The first few months of her life, where she woke up at night, or just wouldn't go to sleep at all until about 03.00 AM, seemed to last for freaking ever. I mean, I felt I was in some kind of Groundhog Day. Yet, when you look at the actual time-frame, it only lasted about 4-5 months.
She would sleep through the night for a few weeks, lulling you in to a false sense of security, only to switch right back to either not going down or midnight waking.
One day nothing else than Mammie will do, the other Daddy is the main attraction and any move from Mammie will send her diving in to Daddy's arms!
If there is one thing you can count on with kids this age is that you can't count on anything. Just when you are congratulating yourself on the fact that at least she is eating well, she will pull up her nose at the same dinner that would normally send her racing in to the kitchen!
We did make a new culinary discovery though, when having a stir fry myself, she started pointing at my plate enthusiastically. I gave her a few bites and it turns out the child likes Coursgette and, wait for it, OLIVES! HA! Something tells me our wok will be working overtime in the next couple of days!
At the moment I can not get her to eat her breakfast. Sure, she will SAY "Njummie!!!" but after stirring the cheerios around the bowl for a bit she will get off the chair and ask for her "Cuppa Tea" (beker of milk). All through the day she will tell you she's "Hungwy" but decline then when you offer her a banana or toast!
She used to LOVE her bath-time, splishing and splashing was a great part of her bed-time routine. Now? Now, she sobs when you try and put her in the bubbles before bedtime.... Heartbreaking!
Thankfully, she will let you give her a bath in the morning so I don't have to go hunting for toddler déodorant!
When she has started challenging some of her routines, other ones are not to be touched!! Some things are so ingrained in her life that she comes to expect nothing else. You won't realize these things until you see/hear them in action.
Last week in the car, she was tired and said:"Nannie's house, cuppa tea, up to bed?" (when she arrives at her Nannie's house in the AM, she get's a cup or warm milk and goes back to bed for an hour) She had her dodi in her mouth, twirling her hair with her hand and just looked too cute!
Also, when we went to the supermarket in the village where Nannie lives. she went straight for the breadrolls. "Wroll!" ( Little Miss still does not get any kind of junkfood or sweets etc. you can really make her day with a buttered roll or a piece of "Laughing Cow" cheese.) In her head, Supermarket = Breadroll!
Not complying with that would be to mess with the balance of the Universe and Mammie needs every little bit of cosmic good will she can get so Caíthlyn munched away happily for the duration of the shopping trip!
9.5 days till our trip home!!
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