Last Saturday we finally had a sunny day. And thank Heavens for that! I mean, I KNOW Ireland has a bit of a rep for being wet and all but enough is enough already! So, we decided to give Nannie a ring and ask if she and the cousins wanted to come over to check out the new and improved playground in Lovely Town.
The playground was done up in December and looks excellent!
More things for the kids, a fence surrounding the playground and safer material on the ground. It is SO great in fact that even with it being extremely frosty and windy (it's right at the sea) there were about, oh, 12 million people there? I have never seen it so busy there! So there we were, Nannie, Auntie G. Cousin M, Cousin E., Darren, Caíthlyn and myself.
Now, when I am out and about with Little Miss by myself, I watch her like a hawk. I need to have her in my sights at all times. With so many of "us" there that day though, my attention slacked a bit. Darren and I were standing next to a little playhouse that Little Miss was playing in when I turned to face Darren to talk to him. 5 Seconds later I look back at the house and SHE IS NOT THERE!!! People! My heart!
Immediatly I started looking around and saw a little stripey hat bobbing and weeving her way through the crowd of kids and parents. How she got over there so fast is beyond me! The scary thing however is that she was running towards the Big Kids Swings! Straight in to the path of a boy that was being pushed by his mam! Images of Caíthlyn being kicked halfway accross the playground flashed before my eyes.
Before I knew it I was sprinting across to her and between the boy's mother grabbing her son to try and slow him down and me making a move like you see in the movies when the hero snatches a child that is about to be hit by a bus off the road, we managed to prevent any injury.
In Vicky Iovine's "Best Friends' Guide To Toddlers" she writes that situations like these are lessons. You get one "freebie" and that's it! I am SO taking that to heart and keeping my eyes on her even if there are 20 family members around!
The kiddo's still had great fun though:

Have a great day all!
PS: Hi Stephie! *Waves*
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