Has it been THAT long? Again?
I have been psyching Little Miss up for our vacation to the Netherlands. Every time we drive through the harbour we point at the boats and say that we are going to see Pake en Beppe in the summer. We are going to go on the pink aeroplane (don’t ask, I have no idea) and then Pake and Beppe are going to pick us up and we are going to go to their house. We are going to have LOTS of fun on their boat and she will wear a life-jacket just like Dora the Explorer “So we can be safe”
She is al set to go and let me tell you. So am I! I say: Bring it on! The stunning weather of the past few days has gotten me in the holiday mood! Little Miss is loving it too.
The housework has had to take a back seat to visits to the petting zoo with Nannie and the cousins, going to the playground and playing in the (freshly mowed) garden.
Ardgillan Castle is 5 minutes drive away from us and they recently opened their new playground. We went to check it out on Sunday. See pics below.

After our holidays we are going to buy Little Miss “Big Girl Underpants” She has been SO very good with telling us when she has to go Potty. She has even ventured on to the big toilet! (Which up to a week and a half ago, she was not having a bar of!)
We don’t want to start it before the holiday. Putting her in a car and a plane for so long is setting her up to fail. But she is ready people! The end of nappies is in sight!
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