Caíthlyn's Blog

Blogging about our Little Miss. Family 2 pregnancy

Monday, May 15, 2006


Watching E! entertainment channel there the other week. They were covering the "cleverly" dubbed "Brangelina" story. A picture of Brad, looking rather yummy with a beard of a few days graces the screen.
Little Miss: "Look Mammie! My Daddy on the television!!" :-))) Gotta Love it!

Still in the middle of the terrible two's.... Literally and figuratively. Literally as in, she is almost 2.5 years old and figuratively as in: I am just going to disagree, argue and fight with you until bedtime.
Now, the three of us are sick..... again.....
I can completely appreciate that this could have an adverse effect on Little Miss. But I fear that there is more to this then just the effects of a cold/flue sore throat.

Since she no longer sleeps it out in the morning, we have found that its beneficial to all concerned that she has a nap again in the early afternoon. The ideal situation has her kip from 12.30 to 14.00. hrs. Sadly, this does not always happen. She is almost cliché in her actions sometimes.
She is so adamant to say the opposite of what you are saying that even when you say she's the best girl, she will tell you that no, she is in fact, NOT the best girl! Or: "Nooooooooo, I NOT best girl Mammieieieieieieieieieieieieie!!!"

Last weekend, we knew we were in trouble when she started giving out to Eyore in the dolly buggy. She was telling him to sit up straight. When Eyore did not "listen" she threw herself on the floor in a hissy fit. I hate seeing her that way. She seems to get in her own way so badly. I can't imagine that this is the way she wants to feel.
We know that we have to stick to our guns so to speak. We know she needs the boundaries. Therefore we do not offer her 4 different choices in regards to which cup she wants to use for instance. It's tough to stick to this sometimes though. Sometimes, you just want to make it stop. For both her and you. We are just going to have to continue doing the very best we can. There are much worse things and we are very blessed to have her.
Hopefully, this too, shall pass.