Caíthlyn's Blog

Blogging about our Little Miss. Family 2 pregnancy

Monday, May 08, 2006

Knock, Knock

Caíthlyn loves the Backyardigans. I have to admit to even singing allong to some of the songs. (shuddup, their catchy!)
In one adventure, they go on a "quest" to make the perfect cup of tea (pip, pip, cheerioooooo) One of the tasks in this quest, is to make the emperor laugh.
To this end, Uniqua (a pink character) tells the following joke:

"Knock, Knock"
Q: "Who's there"
Q:"Banana who?"

"Knock, Knock"
Q: "Who's there"
Q:"Banana who?"

"Knock, Knock"
Q: "Who's there"
Q:"Banana who?"

"Knock, Knock"
Q: "Who's there"
Q:"Orange who?"
A: "Oranged you glad I did't say Banana?!!"

Caíthlyn has taken to telling us this joke. It will go something like this:

"Knock, Knock"
Q: "Who's there"
Q:"Banana who?"

"Knock, Knock"
Q: "Who's there"
Q:"Ncha glad I Banana?!"

And then she will fall all over herself laughing, thus not being able to probably finish the last sentence.
I am telling you, it's hilarious! She's gonna be a stand-up comic. Mark my words!

Here's a pic of our beauty at Easter:

Easter Sunday Dress

More pics here.