The Best Medicine
Usually I get a lift to my BF's mother after work. Yesterday I had to "bus it" though.
My God(dess) what a nightmare! Dublin bus has the un-equalled talent to make me sick in the space of 5 minutes, imagine what I was like after 1.5 plus hours......
With a churning stomach I walked up to "Nanny's House" and there was the best medicine waiting for me. Standing next to the sofa. As soon as she saw me, the grinn that crossed her face was blinding! You should bottle the stuff and sell it! Cure for all!
Nanny is the best. We could not have asked for a better, more loving and more caring person to take care of our daughter. She has dinner for us when we come in and Caíthlyn loves her so much that leaving is never a pretty sight!
Sitting at the dinner table, having my dinner, Caíthlyn stretched her arms out to me. The Mamma will never turn down the opportunity for great hugsies! So. on the lap she went!
Ever so delicatly she pretended to take some mashed potato from my plate between her index-finger and thumb.
Pinky extended, she proceeded to "feed me" my dinner. Eyes focussed on my face to make sure I gobbled it all up. There was a puddle of melted Mamma on the chair at that point.
I know I am repeating myself but she is such a caring child! Her Nanny has a tea-set and Caíthlyn loves pretending to make dinner and feeding the dolls and us. Saying: "Mmmmmmm" and "Ja?" while doing so.
Also, she loves brushing hair. She will take my big hairbrush, which she can only just wield, and brush my hair so gently. Then she will put her hands on either side of my face and bend her face in to mine and ask "Ja?"
I just did not want to put her down to sleep last night, could have just held her in my arms and cuddled her for hours and hours! Once I did put her down, she was wide awake. She stirred a bit, but decided to go to sleep then eventually and we didn't have to go back in to her.
When I go to bed, I check on her. And there she was, head at the foot-end, snoring away softly. Could have crawled in to the cot with her. She was on top of her soft blanket. (I think she likes the feel on her cheek) so I tucked another blanked in around her.
Anyone that says Angels don't exist, should come and have a look at my daughter sleeping....
March 2004

April 2004

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