The latest thing to have us in stitches is her enthusiastic exclaiming: "Mmmmmmmm!!!" When she sees her: Porridge Bowl, Bottle, Liga, Fruit or, wait for it: her Highchair!
Even the sound of plastic wrappers get's a "Mmmmmmm" The look of anticipation on her face is priceless! This little lady likes her grub!

Turns out Miss Thing's vocabulary is larger than we expected.... Whatever way she uttered a few cyllables last week, they suddenly made sense!
Had her in my arms (either dancing or a retrieval mission from the kitchen, can't remember which) when she stretched and pointed at the wicker lamp dangling from the ceiling.
A breathy and amazed :"Stat?" followed.
CLING! The penny dropped! We always say: "What's that?" and point. So "Stat" = "What's that?" Also : "Woo-ooo" is "Dog". Who'd a thunk it?!
I am meant to speak Dutch to her..... And I do..... sometimes... But believe you me, it's hard to keep up when there is nobody else around that also speaks the language.
Thankfully her Pake and Beppe (Grandparents) sent her "Bear in the Big Blue House" DVD's in Dutch. That, combined with a few Dutch story books should inrease the quantity of Dutch sounds to reach her cranium.
Oh, here's a pic of Caíthlyn on the Winnie the Pooh cart we got her for her b-day... dya think she likes it?! ;-)

Gonna enjoy my Cadburry Cream Mini Eggs.... MMmmmmmmm!!
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