Caíthlyn spent yesterday afternoon with her Nanny and her Nanna (Grandmother and Great-Grandmother)
Off a-shoppin' they went. Seeing as Caíthlyn is spending a lot more time on standing upright, Darren and I had decided to buy her her first proper shoes this coming Thursday.
When I heard the destination of yesterday's shopping trip, I got a feeling that our trip might not be neccesary anymore..... And low and behold: I was right! :-)
Nanny has bought the first shoes for her other grand-daughters, and when I came home I saw two of these cute shoes on my Honey's feet:

The shop meassured her feet and they have a reputation for being very good. So I was well happy! She looks SO grown up with her shoes! THANK YOU NANNY!
Thank Crispie she went to sleep last night! The poor Sweetheart was absolutely knackered.
Her current routine is Bath, Bottle and Bed. But as she is getting older, we want to first go to: Bottle, Bath and Bed and then faze out the Bottle altogether. She should be drinking from a cup by now.
Truth be told, it's so nice and cosey and snug giving her her bottle that I am not entirely sure I will not have withdrawl symptomes! :-)
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