I work three days a week. And on those three days, I get up at the unGodly hour of 05.45. So too this morning. When I stepped out the door, I decided to err on the side of caution and just check my bag for my purse. Not there. *rse! B*lls! Grrmmbbll!!
No purse, no busticket, no change, no way in to work...... And so I ended up watching Dr. Phil and Discovery Health at 06.30 AM, waiting for little Miss to wake up so that himself could drop me in to work. (Smart Man by the way, that Dr. Phil, no flies on him!)
I had heard her moaning a bit and at 09.00 hrs I decided to heat up the bottle and have a gander to check if she was awake.
Opening her door ever so slightly, I could see her lying on her side. Hugging her teddybear and smiling at me with a grinn from ear to ear. MELT!!
I had a Teddybear made for her at the Bearfactory and that's in her cot with her now. It wears a little T-shirt that says "I Love You" and when you squeeze it, you hear my voice saying "Mammie and Daddy love you Caíthlyn, you're our best little girl".
Cheesy, I know, but I was SO chuffed to see her all snuggled up to that bear..... Her face still all warm from her sleep and that lovely dozed look in her eyes. That wonderfull baby-just-out-of-bed smell....... EADIBLE! She gives SO much love, you can't help but adore her.
Now I am in work, missing her (them) like mad!
Sometimes even just three days can feel like too much........
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