Honey See, Honey Do
You don't realize (well, I don't anyway) how observant a child is until you see them copying something you do. Last week, I was sweeping the floor. (We have parket floors, easy to clean but you have to do it ALL THE TIME!) when I turned around and saw Little Miss take the small brush and pan and sweep merrily away behind me. She was even looking around to see if she had missed anything!
The pan and brush are used in day to day crumbs-and-other-questionable-dirt-and-grime-removal so they aren't the cleanest. Knowing Little Miss's love of having things end up in her mouth I felt it would be wise to put them away. WRRRRONG!! The Hysterics! No way in HELL was she giving up her new toys. So, taking the path of least resistance (I know, Puriteins out there, I KNOW! But I am strict in LOTS of other things so I am allowed this one teany tiny little slip of parental consistency!) I decided I would let her play with it and just keep an extra close eye. She obviously LOVED it. Seeing as this was Thursday and the new camera did not get delivered until Friday, here's a pic taken with my phone:

Yesterday it was Mothers' Day over here and I got the loveliest card from my sweety! I will take a picture of it and post it here so you can "ooh" and "aah" to you heart's content! ;-) The manual for the new super duper camera, that is also for Mother's day (and every other special event for the next few months) was delivered in GERMAN however. This means I can't actually do any of the Technical Stuff (transfer to laptop) with it yet so the pics will have to wait for a bit.
Anyhoe, yesterday I took her upstairs to get her dressed. She has a suitcase of clothes that are too big for her and every so often I check if she can fit them yet. So, on the floor we went for a good root 'round. She sat down next to me on her hunkers and starting taking things out of the suitcase one by one and depositing them next to her cot. Making sure they were where she wanted them to be and then returning for the next item. Peering down her nose in to the case, extending her left hand ever so daintily whilst picking things up with her right. Could have cuddled her to pieces!
When I put the suitcase away, she decided to move the pile of washing around from in front of the wardrobe to next to her cot and back again. Then she stood there, looking at the fruits of her labour and having the most content expression on her face!
We have her books in the TV stand to facilitate easy access for the Munchkin but she decided some of her books belonged in the actual book case. So, off she went, putting a few books of her's next to Mamma's books. Bless!
As I may have written before, she is Daddy mad. She LURVES her Daddy and when Daddy leaves the room, it's NOT GOOD. When he left the sitting room yesterday to tackle our kitchen, Little Miss decided that that just wasn't good enough and trotted on after him. But, Evil Being that he is, he had the nerve to close the Kitchen Door! Only one thing for that so........ Opening the door yourself. Yes, ladies and Gentlemen, Caíthlyn has mastered the fine art of door-opening. I see stairgates and lots of locked doors in our immediate future.....
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